Hi Nadine, found a link to your site from Enda's blog. Wow, you have so many interesting articles on blogging in Indonesia. Is it related to your studies? Good luck.. I'll definitely be back here for more articles..
Keep it up
texastee (guest) - 26. Jul, 17:50
hi JaF, thanks for complimenting my blog! Yes this is part of my final paper for university (communication studies/cultural studies). I am investigating identity processes in the Indonesian blogosphere: group building, role models, forces of collective identity within society... please feel welcome to read more, I will also post the paper (once it is finished) here for download.
Born on September 20th, 1979 in Cilegon, a small city close to Jakarta, I spent most of my childhood years Indonesia.
After graduating from Jakarta International School in 1997, I moved to Germany. Here, I went from doing a 2 year course in media design to studying communication science and cultural studies the University of the Arts, Berlin.
I work as freelance designer, translator, and assistant to Dutch artist IEPE.
Keep it up