I am surprised that some one actually discusses my paper.
It is embarrassing to see it, since I am not too confident with my own work. I often feel that I am a subject, if not victim, of the spiral of invisibility. I do not want to be visible in the academia, while
contradictorily, I have to make myself known.
Born on September 20th, 1979 in Cilegon, a small city close to Jakarta, I spent most of my childhood years Indonesia.
After graduating from Jakarta International School in 1997, I moved to Germany. Here, I went from doing a 2 year course in media design to studying communication science and cultural studies the University of the Arts, Berlin.
I work as freelance designer, translator, and assistant to Dutch artist IEPE.
I am surprised that some one actually discusses my paper.
It is embarrassing to see it, since I am not too confident with my own work. I often feel that I am a subject, if not victim, of the spiral of invisibility. I do not want to be visible in the academia, while
contradictorily, I have to make myself known.
thanks for your post.