Tuesday, 8. May 2007



This blog is complementary to the final paper I´m writing at the University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany, where my main focus has been on media theory and cultural studies.

The underlying question I'm concerned with is: How is the internet as a new mode of communication and cultural representation changing the world? How is the so-called 'digital revolution' affecting how we behave and interact?

High hopes are attached to the internet as a 'democratic' and non-hierarchical medium in terms of it´s ability to promote democracy and encourage the interaction of civil society.

This makes it especially intriguing to investigate how a young democracy like Indonesia embraces the new technology to face the challenges and chances of the new millennium.

More specifically, in the context of my final theses, I want to look at the cultural practice of 'blogging', which is becoming increasingly popular throughout the Indonesian archipelago.

I will be investigating the political, economic and cultural developments that have caused a vibrant 'blogosphere' to flourish in Indonesia , as well as identifying the main issues and communication processes within this blogosphere today.

The main goal then is to find and answer to the question in what way internet technology -through the cultural practice of blogging- has, or might have, an impact on Indonesian society.

In the course of my research I´ll be conducting interviews with bloggers in Indonesia. It is my hope that via this blog I can express sincere thanks to all people I´ve involved in my research in this way can keep you updated on the project.



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Thamrin (guest) - 15. Jan, 18:28

Nadine, I just found this blog!! Welcome to blogsphere and keep on blogging. :)

texastee - 16. Jan, 15:59

Hi Thamrin,

welcome, then! Nice of you to stop by. Hopefully, this blog will grow and the posts become more and more useful... see you soon.

pitik (guest) - 28. Jan, 15:05

waduh..ayune rekkkk...

maruria (guest) - 29. Jan, 11:28

Welcome to blogosphere, Nadine...
Hmm..you was born in Indonesia? So are you Indonesian or else?

texastee - 31. Jan, 23:28

born in Indonesia

Hai Maruria!

Thanks! memang, gue lahir di Indonesia tapi warga negara Jerman. My dad is german, my mom from Bandung! Jadi... gado2 ya?
reza safitri (guest) - 6. Feb, 13:10


hai nadine,
saya sangat terkejut ketika membaca blogmu.karena saya juga mempunyai ketertarikan untuk menganalisis blogging dan implikasinya di Indonesia utk keperluan studi lanjut saya.apa ada kemiripan ya?bisakah kita saling berkorespondensi dan berdiskusi ttg hal ini?

texastee - 11. Feb, 21:25

Hi Reza!

Ya senang sekali kalau bisa berkorespondensi tentang budaya blogging di indoneisa... tolong kirimin alamat emailnya, lebih baik lewat email sih menurut saya... silakan hubungi saya di mail@texastee.de
andricahyadi (guest) - 24. Mar, 08:32

Up Date

Hi Nadine,

Just want to send you this link:http://www.tempointeraktif.com/read.php?NyJ=cmVhZA==&MnYj=MTE5NjYy

The above link is about Indonesia Govt. Released the ethic of content relating cyber world. They afraid that the internet village project will be misused by the santri to access the porn website.

Don't you think this is ridiculous? for me this is control freak!.

People has a rights to see what they want, freedom of informations; right to see, to read and access. Anyway this already, just the same condition, Govt. tried to control the Internet.

Have a good day..


Pujiono (guest) - 18. Apr, 12:17

Hi... how's your final paper going?

Hi Nadine,

How's your final paper going? I hope everything is OK.



reinhard (guest) - 16. Jun, 21:04


Halo Nadine my name is Reinhard but I'm not German, me ? real Indonesian ha ha ha....

Yes, you met Enda, he is right person as an "gate keeper" to know Indonesian Blogsphere ... I always contact him if found difficulties in blogging techniques..

I would very appreciate if you on blogwalking and see mine.


Greet From Africa

About me


Born on September 20th, 1979 in Cilegon, a small city close to Jakarta, I spent most of my childhood years Indonesia. After graduating from Jakarta International School in 1997, I moved to Germany. Here, I went from doing a 2 year course in media design to studying communication science and cultural studies the University of the Arts, Berlin. I work as freelance designer, translator, and assistant to Dutch artist IEPE.

contact me here:

mail (at) texastee.de
twitter: texastee

Pesta Blogger 2008: I wish I could be there, but I will follow it from afar.

Pesta Blogger 2008

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